Default text, this is the text that 3.x browsers will see You can have lot's of ~ here in stead. Or you can use a script to write in text only if it's Netscape 4 (you have to do that so that the layer gets some content or the written in text won't show correct.


JOURNAL OFFICIEL / 25 - Doubs / 21 MARS 2015: ANNONCE N°445 Pages 1364

L'Association adesifaso a pour ambition de lutter l'illétrisme, l'analphabétisme et la pauvreté

Education :



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37 D, chemin du Sanatorium, 25000 Besançon
portable: 03 81 50 72 48 puce tel : 06 07 47 01 21
fax : 06 76 73 42 32 puce E-Mail :
identification R.N.A : W251004346puce N° de Parution : 20150012

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